Tour to my vegetable Garden

 Hi everyone! Today I invite you to visit my garden. I think you may like it. 

My vegetable garden is in Hawa Eliya. It is very small garden. Many kind of vegetables do not grow there because Nuwara Eliya is a cold city. But we have grown some valuable vegetables in my small garden. We use them for sale as well as daliy food. 

Before to this tour I would like to explain health benifits of gardning. 

🌱All that digging, planting and weeding burnes calories and strengtheness your heart. Therefore gardning is good for your heart.

🌱Gardning can help reduce symptoms of depression and anixity. 

🌱Gardning can make you happy. 

🌱Gardning can be solo activity or an oppertunity for bonding with your family. So garding is good for the whole family. 

🌱If you have a vegetable garden your getting fresh produce that you know hasn't been treated with pesticides. So growing your own food can help you eat healthier.  

Now I think you know about benifits of gardning. 
So.... Let's Go....

                                WELCOME TO MY GARDEN


🌱This is a very famous vegitable in Nuwara Eliya. Potatoes are well growing undergrounds in cold climate gardens. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C. Potatoes were a life saving food source in early times because the vitamin c privented scurvy. another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium.
🌱Potatoes come in all colours, shapes and sizes. There are many different varieties of potatoes. I like potatoes because they are dilicious and easy to prepare. 


🌱Radish is the healthy vegitable. There are various kind of radishes in the world. But white long radishes are very tasty. 
🌱Radish is a root vegetable, but is less starchy than many other root veggies, like potatoes. It is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, related to Turnips, Cabbage and brccoli. 
🌱 You can enjoy it's zingy crunch raw on a salad, or cooks you would a potato for milder flavour. Radished are low in calories, provide some fiber and are a good source of Vitamin C. 


🌱Tomatoes are very popular fruit/vegitable. They are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benifits, including reduced ridk of heart disease and cancer. 
🌱Specially we make home made saurce from tomatoes.  


  🌱 Beatroot is very delicious and beautiful vegetable. In addiction to bringing a pop of of colour to your plate, beets are highly niutritious and packed with essential vitamins, minarals amd plant compounds many of which have medicinal properties. 
🌱 What's more they are delicious and easy to add to your diet in dishes like balsamic roasted beets, nummus, fries and salads among many others. 


🌱 Cabbage is another popular vegetable in Nuwaraeliya. Cabbage is a member of the mustard family and like most related crops grows best in cool weather. 
🌱 Cabbage has many uses in the kichen. Raw, it brings crunch and zest to salads and slaw. you can braise, stir-fry, stuff, add to soup, and ferment cabbage to make sauerkraut and kimchi. 


🌱leeks are a bulbous vegitable with white flesh and leafy green tops. It has onion flavour. Leeks are tasty winter vegetable that are easy to grow, but do take some time and attention. They are usually grown in containers or a "seed bed", then moved to their finsl position.
🌱 we using leeks for making mallum and a small amount of leeks add to Soup, Pasta, Noodles and Fried rice. 


🌱Broccoli is another vegetable in my garden. It is a beautiful and delicious vegetable. But it is hard to grow. Broccoli grows best in fertile, well-drained, moisture retentive soil, in full sun or very light shade.
🌱Broccoli is high in many nutrients, including fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, & Potassium. It also boasts more protein than most other vegetables. 
🌱This green veggie can be enjoyed both raw and cooked but gentle steaming provides the most health benifits. 


🌱Carrot is a root vegetable. It is nice and very delicious veggie. There are different colours of carrots such as: Orange, Purple, Black, Red, White and Yellow. But famous carrots ae in orange in colour. 
🌱 Carrots grow best in full sun and light, fertile,well drained soil. Carrots have high niutrition value. It is a great source of important Vitamins and minarals. My mother's carrot curry is very delicious. we add carrots for Soup, Pasta, Noodles and Fried rice. 

I feel great when I eat the veggitables in my garden. Beacause they are fresh and healthy vegetables. 

So.. Let's end our journey here. I hope you enjoyed my garden tour. Don't forget to comment what are you think about my garden.   



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